Motion Contollers
Incremental Positioning
This group of controllers are for incremental indexing. All ILC2100’s are programmable on the fly and jumper selectable to follow external frequency (line speed) in continuous product flow applications. These units also have RS232 serial communication with status reporting for process control. Options to add onto the base unit include selectable registration indexing and programmable display units. See lit for more options.
This controller takes a basic Model DC100A and adds an internally mounted length control card. It incorporates all the functions of the DC100A and a length controller, converting it to a stand-alone single axis controller. The length control card utilizes differential encoder inputs with x4 logic, providing 4000 counts of position resolution per motor revolution.All parameters can be programmed on the fly, and are installed through a serial communication link with one of Introl’s operator interfaces or a computer. As a stand-alone, this controller can be programmed with a single preset, executed each time the run input is initiated, or have one of four preset indexes selected externally.
This controller is a specially modified version of the basic DC100A-LC. It includes many features including the choice of either absolute or incremental motion control, as well as multi-line programming capability for a specific control sequence.
The internally added -LCP length controller card which is part of this controller, will soon be available as a compact and low cost stand-alone length controller.